CYM.1 (2024-9)
This major release brings two brand new features along with the usual lot of hotfixes for bugs and issues reported by our clients over the July and August of 2024.
Please see the details in the Enhancements and Bug Fixes sections below.
New Features
JAMS now supports registration and login with ORCID, making both processes quicker for authors that need to authenticate in order to submit a manuscript. When registering a new user account through ORCID, JAMS will pull publicly available data from ORCID and automatically populate corresponding fields in the user profile, significantly shortening the signup-to-submit lead time for authors.
JAMS supports now Custom Form Components, which give superusers the ability to extend forms with any custom fields they need. This feature is available on the Peer Review, Pre-check Decision and Editorial Decision forms. New fields can be set up on these forms to prompt users to enter data in text, date, number, multiple choice or yes/no formats.
Bug Fixes
Issue that prevented revision deadline values on the manuscript page and in the email template to show properly has now been resolved.
Bug which caused missing logs in Manuscript Feed has now been fixed.
Problem with variables presentation on client’s welcome page has been resolved.