BAY.4 (2024-3)

BAY.4 (2024-3)

What’s new

This release consists of new features and feature enhancements requested by our user base as well as hotfixes for bugs and issues reported in February and March 2024.

Please see the details in the Enhancements and Bug Fixes sections below.


This release includes new features and feature changes which were developed according to our clients' requests. These updates address specific needs and requirements, ensuring our clients receive optimized functionality and usability across the platform.

  • Setting revisions deadlines has now been separated in two fields - minor and major revisions, in order to better reflect revision types during peer-review process and adjust deadlines accordingly.

Both fields allow numerical input in days, weeks or months
  • New option has been added which allows Editorial Board Members to suggest reviewers upon providing Continue to peer-review decision at pre-check. Each client can enable or disable this option at journal level, as well as modify minimum and default number of reviewers.


Fields which allow suggested reviewer settings
  • JAMS now supports automatic reminders for manuscripts which are pending resubmission upon academic editor’s pre check decision.

  • The new Quick Remind feature has been added for reviewers who have either not accepted the review invitation or not yet sent in a review report after accepting to review. This is expected to accelerate reviewer reminding for more convenient workflow for papers which are under review.

  • Editorial staff using JAMS is now able to see all previous review invitations of a reviewer, as well as status of current reviews.

  • Email templates support now rich-text formatting. Some of the formatting features which have been added are font size, color, bolding etc.

  • A new field has been added to the English editing section which allows editorial staff to categorize manuscripts which are being edited. The categories can be customized and the view (which includes the new category field) can be exported as a list.

Bug Fixes

  • Previous reviewer invitation records across all publisher’s journals are now displayed by following Click here to see all invitations of reviewer option.

  • The issue which caused an error during uploading of proofreading file has been resolved.

  • Previously, registration confirmation emails were not sent out in some cases. This has now been fixed.

  • MDPI accounts (e.g. Production and English editors) from the users view have been removed from the list.

  • Some of our clients reported that handling editors did not receive notifications once reviewer reports have been submitted. This has been checked and fixed.


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