Editor Role Management

Editor Role Management

Tenant Administrators, i.e. accounts having the Super User role, are responsible for assigning roles to the team of editors working for the journals. This allows a clear segregation of roles by journal and by responsibility.

This functionality is called Employee Management and sits in the Super User menu in JAMS. It is usually a prerogative of the Editor in Chief or the Managing Editor of the Journal / Publishing House, but can be granted to any account by giving her or him the Super User role.

Using this functionality, a handling editor responsible for the editorial activities of one journal (pre-check, peer review, coordination with academic editors) can be given permissions for that specific journal only. Or a production editor responsible for layout editing can be assigned permissions on that specific part only.

The result is a Roles and Responsibility matrix that clearly defines who does what and for which journal.

For more information about what can do each role, its privileges and limitations, please check the knowledge base article Editorial Team: User Roles - JAMS Support Center - Confluence (atlassian.net).


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